Conscious Leaders Network

Conscious Leaders Network

The Conscious Leaders Network invites high-level business leaders to develop fluency with principles of conscious business that come from deep understanding and regular practice. Each year we accept teams of executives, vice presidents, and managers from up to 25 companies, worldwide (taught in English).

New online sessions are presented monthly, enhanced by interactive, small-group discussions on Zoom. With peer support, participants will dedicate themselves to applying principles of collaboration and sustainability to advance their businesses. Instructors lead by example to create an open, safe environment where we review current business opportunities/challenges and share what works in the real world.

  • “It’s a process of moving in the right direction, trying to do the right things in the right order. And with the right mindset. I appreciate the coherence it brings, having a language and set of principles that we can all use and share.”

    Molly Kellogg,

    CEO, Hubbard-Hall

  • “Phenomenal delivery for adult learners already in business. You gave lots of examples with experiential assignments and then coached people along to implement the ideas.”

    Laquita Joyner-McGraw,

    Professor, SCSU School of Business

What We Provide

  • All the benefits of Professional Membership for one year
  • Curricular content organized around the four tenets of conscious capitalism (purpose, leadership, culture, stakeholders) and related topics
  • Reference guides full of real-world exercises you can implement (we ship them to you)
  • Monthly discussion sessions with other business leaders who are implementing these concepts inside their organizations
  • A digital goodie bag full of resources and templates to assist your change process
  • Recording of our finale session where every participant is invited to present (Pecha Kucha-style)
  • Coaching from professional consultants throughout the year
  • Student interns from partnering institutions who can assist you, if needed

BONUS: Southern Connecticut State University will be adding microcredentials to this professional development opportunity in 2024!

Want to learn more?

If you have any questions about this program please feel free to contact us.