About Us
Conscious Business Collaborative is a social advocacy organization with professional and student members. Its purpose is to engage, educate, and inspire business leaders at all stages in their career paths and professional development to operate more sustainably and align with others who are doing the same.
Collaborating as change agents and difference-makers, we seek to positively impact how organizations and systems operate, building conscious cultures and communities while being responsible to all stakeholders. Our international group demonstrates living, breathing alternatives to traditional capitalism, championing innovators who create new ways to thrive and share prosperity while holding businesses more accountable.
We find that by thinking and working this way we discover a renewed sense of purpose, increased employee engagement, and new strategies for business growth.
Originally founded as a state Chapter of Conscious Capitalism International, in October 2022 our Board formally adopted the name Conscious Business Collaborative. This name better reflects the high value we place on our autonomy as financial stewards and thought leaders. We continue to be inspired by the work of Raj Sisodia, a co-founder of the international movement, who is an active participant in events with our Members.

Today, we stand for a family of brands, including:
- Conscious Leaders Network – our executive training program
- Conscious Connecticut – a big umbrella for collaborating locally (with B-Local, climate justice, and coworking groups, to name just a few)
- Conscious Business Club – student chapters on campuses of colleges & universities
- The Curious Capitalist – our unique podcast where you can hear a range of views and critiques