
Paul Murphy

Board Member

Why do we need a new way of doing business? 

The world is changing rapidly and there is an increasing realization that the current win/lose approach not working for most stakeholders.

People need the dignity of work, but they also need to be able to work with dignity and purpose. Conscious Capitalism is the next logical evolution, building on lean manufacturing principles. It provides a more balanced, thoughtful approach to doing business while yielding superior sustainable results for all stakeholders over the long term.

Give us an idea of how have you helped make the world a better place? 

My focus for the last 30 years has been on developing engaging lean manufacturing cultures at different companies. By clarifying the mission, vision, values, and purpose at each company we have been able to create a more engaging environment for all employees. I cannot say that I have made the world a better place, but what I can say is that I tried to create a healthy work atmosphere focused on the why and not just the what or the how. This provided people with an opportunity to engage in meaningful, purposeful work each day. To have a successful career or a calling and not just a job.

What does Conscious capitalism mean to you? 

It is a validation of what I have believed since being introduced to lean manufacturing 30 years ago. It is a recognition that not all Capitalism is made equal. It is a confirmation that there is a better way of doing business, that is principle-based and it does not involve destroying the soul or the environment to win. It is a noble path forward for all young aspiring business leaders to follow that can lead to both financial success and professional happiness.

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